Friday, January 13, 2017

Beginner Tips for Half Marathon Training

Minto Jain, a former assistant professor of surgery at Queen’s University, has worked as a real estate broker in Mississauga, Ontario, for more than two years. An avid runner, Minto Jain has completed three half marathons.

A step up from a 10K run, a half marathon covers approximately 21 kilometers. Before training for a half marathon, runners should build a base of running 15 to 20 miles per week and be able to run at least five miles in a single session. To train for a half marathon, runners should:

- Choose a training length. Many half-marathon training programs last 10 to 16 weeks. Even experienced runners would be well-advised to choose a program that lasts at least 12 weeks, which allows for delays due to sickness, injury, or other issues. The number of weeks in the training program will dictate how many miles a runner must train for each day.

- Get enough rest. Especially important for runners who are not half-marathon veterans, resting allows muscles and joints time to relax and recover. As most half-marathon training plans are divided into four days of short runs and one day of a long run, training programs should schedule one day off after a long run and one day off after three short runs.

- Remember to train mentally. Running a half marathon is challenging physically and mentally. On long run days and during the half marathon itself, use mental tricks to keep the run manageable. For instance, make the mental journey less daunting by thinking of the 21 kilometers as roughly two different 10K runs. Staying mentally focused helps runners reach their goal and cross the finish line.

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