Wednesday, January 25, 2017

A Brief Overview of the Mississauga Half Marathon


A graduate of the University of Chicago, where he earned his MHPE (master of health professions education), Minto Jain has served as a real estate broker since 2014. Minto Jain enjoys running and has run the Mississauga Half Marathon three times.

Created in 2004, the Mississauga Marathon is held each year in Ontario. A participant in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, the marathon organization has raised more than $700,000 for 60 charities across the country.

Dedicated to becoming the top running event in Canada, the Mississauga Marathon offers a range of options for all abilities and experience levels, from a 2K fun run to a half marathon and full marathon. With an elevation decline of nearly 100 meters from the start of the race to its end, the Mississauga half marathon covers 21.5 kilometers.

The 2017 half marathon will be held May 7, beginning and ending at the same points as the full marathon but without its lengthy loop. To keep runners safe, officials maintain aid stations approximately every four kilometers. The half marathon is open to both runners and walkers.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Beginner Tips for Half Marathon Training

Minto Jain, a former assistant professor of surgery at Queen’s University, has worked as a real estate broker in Mississauga, Ontario, for more than two years. An avid runner, Minto Jain has completed three half marathons.

A step up from a 10K run, a half marathon covers approximately 21 kilometers. Before training for a half marathon, runners should build a base of running 15 to 20 miles per week and be able to run at least five miles in a single session. To train for a half marathon, runners should:

- Choose a training length. Many half-marathon training programs last 10 to 16 weeks. Even experienced runners would be well-advised to choose a program that lasts at least 12 weeks, which allows for delays due to sickness, injury, or other issues. The number of weeks in the training program will dictate how many miles a runner must train for each day.

- Get enough rest. Especially important for runners who are not half-marathon veterans, resting allows muscles and joints time to relax and recover. As most half-marathon training plans are divided into four days of short runs and one day of a long run, training programs should schedule one day off after a long run and one day off after three short runs.

- Remember to train mentally. Running a half marathon is challenging physically and mentally. On long run days and during the half marathon itself, use mental tricks to keep the run manageable. For instance, make the mental journey less daunting by thinking of the 21 kilometers as roughly two different 10K runs. Staying mentally focused helps runners reach their goal and cross the finish line.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to Make Running More Interesting and Easier

Minto Jain earned his MHPE at the University of Chicago, Illinois, where he studied education. Currently, Minto Jain is a real estate broker at Kingsway Real Estate Brokerage, Inc., in Mississauga, California, where he prospects his own leads to bring in business. When away from real estate, he enjoys running.

Running when you’re a beginner can be quite challenging. After you’ve been running a while, you may wonder how you can make it more interesting and exciting. The sport can quickly come to feel like a chore when you go for a run in the same neighborhood each day. Choosing different scenic routes every time you run, or at least on some of your runs, is sure to keep the activity fresh. By varying your route you may not even notice how fast the minutes are going by, as you will be too focused on taking in your new surroundings.

Aside from finding new scenery, you can make running a bit easier by strengthening your quads. The stronger your quadriceps are, the easier it will be to lift your legs during a run. In addition, quad strengthening is essential for protecting your knees. A quick exercise you can do when you are sitting down begins by putting one of your ankles over the other. Next, lift your lower leg off the floor and straighten it 10 times. Try doing multiple sets with both legs. If you’re doing it correctly, you will feel the burn right above your knee.